How to Create and Edit Records

How to Create and Edit Records

The Library is the central feature of Delta for post-production teams. The top-level of data in the Library is comprised of records. Records, also called "tapes" in some environments, represent a uniquely identified set of media. Each record has an ID, which should always be unique, a title, a description, tags, and more.

Within each record is a set of individual media called clips. A clip is a single video file, audio file, or image. Each clip has a name, a start timecode (IN), end timecode (OUT), frame rate, and several other properties.

Creating Records

  1. Navigate to the Library page.
  2. Click on the large green "New" button in the toolbar.
  3. A panel will open on-screen, containing all the fields you can edit for your new record. Only the "ID" field is required, but we recommend filling in as much as possible.
  4. Once you're done, click "Create Record" on the bottom-right corner of the panel. You just created a record!
Click the green "+ New" button in the toolbar to create a new record.

Editing Records

  1. Navigate to the Library page. You can also edit records from a Collection, or from the Search page.
  2. Click the checkbox on the records you want to edit. You can edit multiple records at a time, or just one record.
  3. A panel will open on-screen, pre-populated with all the data from the record(s) you're editing. Once you're finished editing, click "Save Record" on the bottom right corner of the panel.
Use the checkbox to select the record(s) you want to edit. Then click the "Edit" button on the toolbar on the top-right corner of the screen.