How to Create and Edit Records

The Library is the central feature of Delta for post-production teams. The top-level of data in the Library is comprised of records. Records, also called "tapes" in some environments, represent a uniquely identified set of media. Each record has an ID, which should always be unique, a title, a description, tags, and more.
Within each record is a set of individual media called clips. A clip is a single video file, audio file, or image. Each clip has a name, a start timecode (IN), end timecode (OUT), frame rate, and several other properties.
Creating Records
- Navigate to the Library page.
- Click on the large green "New" button in the toolbar.
- A panel will open on-screen, containing all the fields you can edit for your new record. Only the "ID" field is required, but we recommend filling in as much as possible.
- Once you're done, click "Create Record" on the bottom-right corner of the panel. You just created a record!

Editing Records
- Navigate to the Library page. You can also edit records from a Collection, or from the Search page.
- Click the checkbox on the records you want to edit. You can edit multiple records at a time, or just one record.
- A panel will open on-screen, pre-populated with all the data from the record(s) you're editing. Once you're finished editing, click "Save Record" on the bottom right corner of the panel.